Name: Ms. Agatha Kiama
Title: Research Assistant
Ms. Agatha David Kiama is a Research Assistant working at the Commissioned Research Department. She has a Master’s degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development and first degree in Geography and Environmental Studies. She has a broad base in climate change and agriculture issues as she managed among others a 4 years project titled “Agricultural and Food systems’ Resilience: Increasing Capacity and Advising Policy” Funded by the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund.
Ms Kiama was a Research fellow under Chatham House (UK) and AFRICAP project. Being a researcher for years she has tremendous experience in policy analysis, qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in research. She has supervised numbers of research data collection activities among others are Evaluation of REA-funded projects. Commissioned by Rural Energy Agency covering almost 10,000 respondents; Baseline Survey for Zanzibar Universal Social Protection for Older People Funded by Help Age International and lastly supervised a research on National Aagricultural Survey by National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Broadly Agatha has experience in social, economic and health data collection.